Lumien Lighting 2023 Customer Summit

The Lumien Lighting 2023 Customer Summit was held on March 13-16, 2023 at Callaway Gardens in Pine Mountain GA. Carried under the theme, Knowledge Is Power, this year's summit welcomed over 80 attendees from across the U.S.
Guided by some of the industry's well established mentors, attendees shined in both in-class and in-the-field Landscape Lighting demonstrations. With instant access to the Lumien Lighting fixtures; Quick Connect System's Nano Series, Micro Series, Macro Series, and our eye-catching LumienPRO modules and remote, these attendees were eager to express their creativity.
"Lumien Lighting's Customer Summit was an incredible industry event. The perfect balance of product education, in-field application and business strategy. Our customers took away so much from this event and are excited to apply what they learned to their business to help them grow." - Brittany McCauley, Lighting Boss

"The Lumien Lighting Summit is a must attend event if you're serious in the lighting world. It's an in depth experience on the technical side of their products and a hands on experience using the products. I'll definitely reach out again next year to attend!" - Hal Stringer, HS Landscapes LLC
"The Lumien Summit brought together some of the biggest names in the outdoor lighting industry. With the breathtaking landscape of Callaway Garden's and the combination of an innovative lighting product it was a very special event that I'm thankful I got to be a part of". - Scott Romacker, Lumien Lighting

"The Lumien Lighting Customer Summit provided a great opportunity to listen and observe new and experienced perspectives when working with LumienPRO products. There is no substitute in testing and learning landscape lighting products' illumination performance in their intended environment--a landscape in the dark." - Wes Jackson, Jackson Lighting Supply
Drawing from nearly 40 years of landscape and lighting design experience, Jim Ply is an award-winning master of illumination whose artistry can be found lighting residential estates in California and across the United States.

Special thanks goes out to Mr. Ply for not only an eye-opening presentation but also hands-on installation assistance and lighting design.

On behalf of the Lumien Lighting team, we would like to thank Elevated Lighting Supply, Jackson Lighting Supply, Lighting Boss, Sonoran Lighting Supply, and Paige Landscape Lighting for sponsoring our 2023 Customer Summit. Your support has opened many new opportunities for both existing and new clients to develop their lighting skills. This contribution enabled everyone to participate in both classroom-based presentations and hands-on installations.
Visit us on Facebook so see more pictures of our event, and keep an eye out for information on our 2024 Customer Summit.